Sunday, April 26, 2009

Playing catch up

I have been known to be somewhat of a slacker (this is the part where NO ONE mentions my senior paper :), but there is a reason I havn't updated the blog in over a month. My computer broke. Well, it didn't break so much as I got a nasty virus on April 1. Anyways...our computer situation is still funny, but I now have the means to update our blog. This will be done in spurts, no doubt, as this past month has been a fun one.

We'll start with Easter. I will not post the pictures of the girls in their Easter dresses now, but I will put them up later. Here are some pictures from an easter egg hunt they went to at a friend's house. Thanks Sam, for letting us really know how to throw a "party" :).

This is Aubrey with her friend McKenzie searcing for eggs. Kenzie was a great "older" guide to Aubrey and pointed out where every egg could be found :)

Not only can Sam throw an awesome party, but she is a killer cake maker. Check out her skills with this easter cake she made. And is tasted YUMMY!

Here is daddy with Eva and some friends from the ward. Nothing melts my heart like seeing daddy's with their babies.

I LOVE this last picture of Aubrey. I wish I could take the credit, but I have to thank Becca for taking, and sending me, this darling picture of my sweet little girl. Thanks Becca!

We had a few nice days before a week of rain, and we took advantage of it by playing in the backyard. Aubrey picked flower after flower (all of which turned out to be dandelions) and made us all smell them. We're excited for the nice weather to come and stay!

Aubrey had to let Eva smell the "flower"...

but Eva had another idea. We think she has a promising career as a taste tester.

Our sweet little Evalyn

Our vivacious Aubrey

Check back soon...more to follow (and I know you're just dying to see more :)

In honor of the Olympcs, and in preparation for sept. 25...we bring you Dwight Shrute!