This one is just to show that our daddy did have hair once upon a time :)
And this one is to show that we think he is much more handsome without his hair!
Happy 28th birthday to our favortite guy! We love you Ryan!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Happy Happy Birthday Daddy Dear...
Posted by
Ryan and Lacey
8:48 AM
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Husband of the year :)
I found this on a friends blog, who had received it in an email, from a brother. So essentially, I got it from an old roomates brother (starting to sound like Ferris Bueller :)! Thought it was funny, so I "borrowed" it from her blog. Thanks Sarah!
The honorable mention goes to
The United Kingdom
...followed closely by The United States of America
and then Poland
3rd Place must go to Greece
It was very very close but the runner up prize was awarded to Serbia
But the winner of the husband/partner of the year is Ireland
Husband of the year awards
Ya gotta love the Irish.
The Irish are true romantics. Look, he's even holding her hand.
Woman has Man in it;
Mrs. has Mr . in it;
Female has Male in it;
She has He in it;
Madam has Adam in it;
I never looked at it this way before:
Ever notice how all of women's problems start with MEN?
MEN tal illness
MEN strual cramps
MEN tal breakdown
MEN opause
GUY necologist
AND ...
When we have REAL trouble, it's a
Posted by
Ryan and Lacey
3:20 PM
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Up for debate...
There are some who think Aubrey and Eva look identical, and then there are some who think they look nothing alike. What do you think? Can you tell which baby is which?
I'm trying to find some older pictures of the girls that are comprable, and will post them when, and if, I find them!
Posted by
Ryan and Lacey
6:29 AM
Friday, November 14, 2008
A major posting update
Make sure you scroll down to see all the new posts (there are at least three today). I have been without a computer for almost a week now, and FINALLY found the cord to connect my camera to the computer. Now that our lives are back in order, and up and running, I am getting caught up. Which means an overdose of our lives for you! I'll start with some Halloween fun. Ryan had the day off (thanks Wachovia for giving my husband a free paid day off for mental health :) on Halloween so we started early. Cornbread, a local morning radio host, travels to different local restaurants every friday morning and gives out 100 free breakfasts to the first 100 guests. He broadcasts on site and is absolutely hilarious. It just so happened that the restaurant he was at on Halloween was literally like 3 minutes from our house, so we had to go. We figured since the girls are up early anyway, we might as well go. Plus they were doing some Halloween festivites for the kiddos. We ended up getting there at the end of the broadcast (he starts at 6 am), but had a good time and a good breakfast (that I didn't have to make :)!
The cornbread morning crew
The firefighters were there with their truck handing out candy. Aubrey was oblivous.
There was a limo that was decorated on the inside that kids got to walk through and trick-or-treat in. This just scared Aubrey.
Mommy, Aubrey, and Cornbread
We ran some errands and went home so the girls could nap before trick-or-treating. We decided that since Aubrey goes to bed around 7, we'd take her to downtown St. Charles to trick-or-treat around the shops (from 3-5) so she could get to bed on time (and so we wouldn't have to deal with a grumpy girl the next day :). It was much nicer. It wasn't dark, the shops were close together, and there were TONS of people! We stopped by Little Caesers for some dinner (love the $5 large) and went home and passed out candy! A very laid back day, but lots of fun. We were just grateful daddy got to spend it with us! Here are our little stinkers in their costumes!
Aubrey was our little witch
Eva pretty much just hung out with daddy. I know I must be the world's worst mom for not dressing her up when we went trick-or-treating, but she was so content without the costume on that we bagged it. Just to show you that we do love her, and did have a costume for her, I took some pictures at home. She was a sock monkey and a ladybug. We couldn't decide so we tried them both on and they were both so darn cute!
Posted by
Ryan and Lacey
8:51 AM
A little bit of KC -- not be be confused with KFC (which we did eat)
Back in October Ryan had to travel to Conneticut for work, and the girls and I get bored without Ryan here (especially for 4 days). Fortunately, Kansas City is only 3 hours away, which means Heber, Mandy and "the boys" :) are only 3 hours away. We hopped in the car and had a blast in KC! Mostly we just hung out, but I'm a homebody and was in heaven. Ethan and I played some Mario Kart, and I must say...that kid is GOOD! We watched movies and ate homemade blueberry pie and homemade mac and cheese, both courtesy of chef Mandy -- YUMM! Anyway, we had a blast, and can't wait to get together again soon. I know Mandy posted pictures of our trip, but couldn't help but do the same. And just for the record Mandy, Eva puts her hands in her mouth EVERY time she smiles, so don't think it's just you :)...she's quirky!
Eva and Aunt Mandy
Ethan and Eva (he was such a good helper with Eva)
Owen and Eva
Dallin and Eva
Owen and Eva (AKA Tarzan and Jane) had a blast together! Aubrey did quite well in keeping up with him. Thanks Mandy for letting them tear your house (or at least your couches) to shreds :)
This picture cracks me up. Has anyone else seen that Seinfeld episode? You know which one I'm talking about. With George. On the couch.
Posted by
Ryan and Lacey
8:26 AM
In case anyone was wondering who will appear on next seasons Dancing with the Stars, here you go. It should be an interesting season ;)!
Posted by
Ryan and Lacey
8:24 AM